Correspondence (s)
Digital Project
Correspondence (s) is a digital project inviting two artists to discuss visually on one Instagram account.
Thought as a sort of broadcasted Parlour game, the program aimed at establishing a dialogue between two practices that share correspondences.
By using Instagram platform, Correspondence(s) looks at how social media can offer new settings to make art.
2018: Alessandro Calabrese (Italy) and Jocelyn Allen (UK).
2019: Stefano Graziani (Italy) and Louis Reith (The Netherlands).
Digital Project
Correspondence (s) is a digital project inviting two artists to discuss visually on one Instagram account.
Thought as a sort of broadcasted Parlour game, the program aimed at establishing a dialogue between two practices that share correspondences.
By using Instagram platform, Correspondence(s) looks at how social media can offer new settings to make art.
2018: Alessandro Calabrese (Italy) and Jocelyn Allen (UK).
2019: Stefano Graziani (Italy) and Louis Reith (The Netherlands).